Add Some Color To Your Life

Hey Sunshine! ☼

For most of my life, I have had a deep dark secret, and it’s time to come out with it…

I loved to color! It was never “cool” to talk about so I kept my love of coloring to myself. I really just love everything that has to do with bringing more color into my life.  I love bright vibrant colors, and soft pastels, and gorgeous jewel colors too. I have a theory that coloring helps balance out my chakras but that is a blog for another day.


For Challenging Times

Coloring has always been a go-to tool when I have been going through a particularly challenging time. Remembering back to college when my grandmother passed away, I bought a huge box of crayons and a pad of blank paper. I spent the entire weekend holed up in my dorm room, drawing pictures and coloring them in with whatever colors helped ease my pain. Ten years later, during a health crisis that lasted for many months, I did the exact same thing. I drew and colored, and drew and colored.  It helped process my feelings, providing me with much needed relief.


Therapeutic Coloring

Coloring has always been extraordinarily therapeutic and a source of tremendous relaxation. And in the last few years, it has become cool to color!  Other people must have been coloring in secret too since all of a sudden hundreds of adult coloring books have popped up! These books have been leading people to discover what I always knew to be an amazing way to lighten up your life. There is such a huge variety now from relaxation designs, animals, mandalas, biblical, and even irreverent adult coloring books!


The Experience

The experience of coloring also brings you back to childhood.  Childhood coloring is usually associated with positive, fun, and light feelings.  Those visceral feelings are stored in your body, even if you don’t actually remember coloring as a child.  Your body remembers. Coloring as an adult can put you in touch with these early positive feelings of a simpler time, leading to further relaxation and a brighter mood.

Add coloring to your Lightened Up Life Activities list! Buy a huge box of crayons, markers, colored pencils, and a few great adult coloring books and discover the wonders for yourself!


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